The moment of Truth is here. The crucible is set. And New Zealand’s most creative Dubstep exports–Truth’s Andre Fernandez and Tristan Roake–are putting it all on the line. Today marks the release of Truth’s much anticipated LP Hollow World on Firepower Records. But it’s much more than that. Firepower Records initially seemed like an odd home for the deep and heavy stylings Truth is known for. Writing for the Spectrum Music Blog, Michael Thomas addresses that concern: “This raised questions among certain circles as to whether this would be less aligned with their [Truth] deeper styles and more towards the Americanised 140 sound,” Thomas writes. “However those suspicions could not be further from the truth.” The release of Hollow World proves that the Firepower behind Truth’s creative impulse can’t be confined for long. Put those contents under pressure and it will explode. Firepower Records knows what that’s like, and instead of hiding from the shockwave, we welcome it.

Congrats to our dudes Truth. Show them your support buy buying the LP.
